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Rebecca Rule
Writer, Storyteller, Humorist, Editor
"Whatever you do, make it a good story."

Mid-winter and the chickens are laying anyway. Not these two though. That's Fawkes, a Polish rooster, and FawkesII, made of felt.). Check out my winter and spring schedule. Stay warm, my friends, and out of the wind.

Next stop: Plymouth! The new Our Hometown, this time featuring Plymouth, will air soon on NH PBS. For this show the Our Hometown team travels NH collecting stories about what makes each town special.
CLICK HERE for a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Our Hometown.
My latest book, NH TRIVIA, is available in the wild. You'll find it at your favorite independent bookstore as well as on the Islandport Press website. Or, if you'd like an autographed copy, order directly from me (details below).
Check out my other books on my
BOOKS page.

If you'd like an inscribed and autographed copy, email Free shipping!
NH Trivia -- $18.95
That Reminds Me of a FUNNY Story -- $19.95
Could Have Been Worse -- $15.95
Headin' for the Rhubarb -- $10.00
The Iciest Diciest Scariest Sled Ride Ever! (a picture book) -- $17.95
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