Rebecca Rule
Writer, Storyteller, Humorist, Editor
"Whatever you do, make it a good story."

Rebecca Rule hosted the New Hampshire Authors Series for ten years on NHPBS and now hosts Our Hometown on NHPBS She’s been telling stories in New England, especially NH, for more than thirty years. She hasn’t visited every town in the Granite State, but has found her way to many of them — speaking at libraries, historical societies, church groups, and charitable organizations. She likes collecting stories because “they’re free and you don’t have to dust them."
Her books include N is for New Hampshire with photographs by Scott Snyder; The Iciest Diciest Scariest Sled Ride Ever! illustrated by Jennifer Thermes; Headin’ for the Rhubarb, A NH Dictionary (well, kinda); and That Reminds Me of a Funny Story. Her new book NH Trivia is just out. Yay.